Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Results for Camp Pendleton Tri

The Camp Pendleton Tri was great. It was the first time I completed an olympic distance race. I finished 44th out of 58 people competing in my age group. While, not great, I am happy with my time. Since it was the first time I competed at this distance, I was just trying to get comfortable with the distance. My total time was 2 hours 53 mins. The swim took me 34 minutes, the bike leg was 1 hour 26 minutes, and I completed the run in 53 minutes.

I have to say that the Marines were hands down the best hosts and workers for any tri I've competed in. They were polite, and gave you plenty encouragement during the race. Great group of people.

Next race - the LA tri. I'll be doing the olympic distance again, and trying to improve my time.

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